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What happens when a jewelry designer decides to grow up and switch gears

What you truly desire. Imagine what you could

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1. Petite Pave Diamond Engagement Ring

Petite Pave Diamond Engagement Ring

Good communication is a cornerstone of happy friendships. We are often friends with people because we are on the same wavelength, and get along well together.

Some essentials of good communication are to think before we speak, and be sensitive to our friend’s feelings and situation. If you are unsure what to say, think of something to say and then imagine how you would feel if your friend said that to you. Would you feel angry? Sad? Happy? Be tactful, empathetic and kind.

Respect other people’s points-of-view, even if we disagree with them. We can’t expect to agree with everything everyone says, but we can respect different viewpoints.

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To teach our kids to be tough and with each blow life delivers to knock us down, we need to get up, dust ourselves off and pick up where we left off. The more times we start again, the colder and more jaded we become.

What you truly desire. Imagine what you could accomplish

Some people believe that showing tough love is an important way to ensure that their children are able to take care of themselves in the future. If you were the recipient of this approach on a regular basis, you might even believe that this has had a positive impact on your life.

Perhaps what’s needed is a shift in attitude. To become stronger and resistant to the tribulations of life, maybe the answer is that we need to become softer not tougher. Maybe what the world needs is more nurture.

Source BetterStudio Website
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